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Updated: Nov 9, 2024

I am writing this in the south of Japan on an amazing getaway… having had a wonderful time with my husband who gets it.

 But he is not a woman.

I am gutted by the results of the US Election. Not because a right leaning party won but because HE won!! He - who didn’t rent to black people -  He - who tried to have young black men in NYC executed for a crime they didn’t commit - He - who would NOT accept that a BLACK man could be president of the United States - but he won… WTF!

He WHO “grabbed them by the pussy” - He WHO says he “loves women” in a way that makes my skin crawl - I would be one of those women (accusers) who HE would say in later years was “not his type” AKA - NOT attractive enough for him to assault!!! ARGHHHHHHHH!!!! How is this even happening! WTF!!

I was so impacted by the election in 2016, but am absolutely devastated by this one in 2024. So he lost to Hilary in 2016 - they say because she was a Clinton (not because she was a woman) and then a MAN in his late 70’s beats him in 2020 - don’t get me wrong - I like Joe Biden and I think he will go down in history as a consequential president. He loses to ANOTHER WOMAN in 2024 - black and hispanic men voted against her!! I watched news channels where women were interviewed who said that their husbands “didn’t think that women had the temperament to be a leader” - that they were “too emotional”!! WTF??

So instead - in 2024 - the USA - voted in with a HUGE mandate - a man who is a FELON - who accused decent human beings of “eating cats and dogs”  - who has said there will be a mass deportation of illegal immigrants and that children of parents who entered the country illegally (born in the United States - DACA) will not be exempt - a man who will imprison the FREE PRESS!! … Drill Baby Drill - fuck the enviroment!! And then there is ELON MUSK - WTF!!!!!!!!

HE INCITED AN INSURRECTION - notice how he didn’t challenge the results this time around!!

 And now - NO checks and balances thanks to the  f’ing SUPREME COURT - Clarence (sex offender) Thomas (UGH) and Brent (sex offender) Kavanaugh - did anyone else watch his confirmation hearing?? Jeff Flake - who allowed Blasey-Ford’s testimony - was primaried!!!  Sickening!!! He raped that woman - full stop!!

 But NO worries - let Donald J Trump be president with the Supreme Court, the Senate and possibly the CONGRESS in his pocket - WTF????

Do NOT vote for a woman - vote for a man in his late 70’s  (four years ago) with the same agenda - but not a woman!! VOTE for s sex offender and a FELON this year - who is 78 YEARS OLD - but not a woman!! And make fun of her laugh and the JOY she tried to bring! WTF!!!

 I understand that people are hurting - - but they chose a man who is a FELON!! A man who speaks the same language as Hitler… over a woman - who they could vote out 4 years later if they didn’t like her!!  In 4 years - the USA will have JD (holy frightening) Vance to fend off!! 

BTW - Germany had a “great economy” with Hitler too - oh - and a few other horrific things!! WTF???

I am in Japan and I am so grateful for the experiences that I have had -  BUT - make no mistake - women are NOT important here - Japan ranks so low in developed countries when it comes to gender equality  - they are easily 30 plus years behind the west. When I moved here by myself - my supervisor put Mark’s name on my apartment lease - at the time he did not live in Japan and the process for his spousal visa had not begun. WTF??

But WHO CARES?? I am sure countries in North America AKA - the USA - rank MUCH higher… but here we are!!! Grabbing them by the pussy to this day!!

I was both inspired and devastated by Hilary Clinton and Kamala Harris…. 

PROJECT 2025???






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