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Updated: Dec 5, 2022 is BACK!! I reactivated my website and blog this weekend! I was missing the opportunity to share this experience and I was also missing the creative outlet! So - if you have been missing it - YAY! Check it out - or - if you haven’t yet - please do! Maybe it’s a bit confusing? I have several sections and I add my entries to the section that is most appropriate! Mostly "Let the Adventure Begin" and "Deep Thoughts"… when we travel I will add entries to "Off We Go!" I am no longer going to use the "Oishii, Oishii, Oishii!" Not because we haven’t eaten some amazing food - I am just not one to write about food details…

Full Disclosure? I have suffered from Generalized Anxiety since I was in elementary school - at least that is when I remember starting to feel anxious. I was great at coping with it until my mid thirties.Hmmm? Actually - in the 1970's, a doctor in Manitoba convinced my parents when I was only seven, to let him take out my appendix. He was certain that my tummy aches would go away because the surgery would "trick" me into thinking I was better as it was "all in my head". You can't make this stuff up!! And, if you ask my university roommate, she will tell you that I checked under the bed and in the closet every night before we went to bed so…. Hmmmm…

When I hit 35ish my anxiety became irrational - I would cry myself to sleep at night worried that I wouldn’t be around for my boys - what if I died before they graduated from high school? How would they cope? I spent hours (at night) trying to figure out what the “best time” to die would be so they would be okay - yeeesh!! I also worried that someone was going to come into our house and kidnap them - I was not okay.

I have always been a forward thinker… next month we have this planned and that planned and the following month we have a trip - YAY! I could always see something positive coming down the road. But then I couldn’t. So - I went to therapy for a year and I started medication for anxiety. I wrote a letter to” my anxiety” (my first homework assignment) and I had to give it a name. What impact was it having on my life? I decided to call it my LIMIT-ATOR as it was interfering with my happiness and it was paralyzing.

A year in to this regime, I felt much better. I read somewhere that women often have a “crisis” of sorts in their mid thirties… I wonder if that is true? I told my doctor that I was "good to go" and that I was ready to stop taking my anxiety meds. She let me know that because I took the medication for anxiety and it wasn’t for depression or to reset my hormone levels, I decided to stay on it.

And I did… for over 20 years. When I finished teaching - retired - I thought it was time. I had never had to increase my dose so maybe it wasn’t even really doing anything? It seemed easy to wean myself off it. You know - in a foreign country where I don’t speak the language and I just left everything and everyone that I knew and loved. Not a good idea! After a few weeks of not being on the medication - I started to feel unwell physically. Looking back - I know it was because of the meds. Then - I started to cry - over everything - my feelings were hurt all the time and I couldn’t cope with any adversity. It dawned on me after over a month of this - that I was feeling EXACTLY like I did before I started treating my anxiety over twenty years ago.

So - I decided to go back on it - no big deal. Except in Japan it is. It is not something that doctors like you to have to take. My doctor, by the way, is amazing! I am so grateful for her (and her excellent English skills). But it is not a common practice to treat anxiety with medication and even after she prescribed my exact same medication she commented that maybe I would be able to stop taking it in a few months. No way - not happening - not making that mistake again. I am grateful that there is something that makes me feel like me again and I feel badly for anyone who goes through anxiety without anything to help them.

So - why did I cancel my blog? Because I was not myself. And now I am! I hope some of you will continue to read along on this crazy adventure that Mark and I are on!

Much love,


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Jan 06, 2023

Thanks for sharing this Kim. I to have had anxiety since I was a child and continue to take medication for it. I can totally related to much of what you have experienced. I don’t think it will ever go away but at least it’s manageable now. I love reading your blogs!


Sonja Tjostheim
Sonja Tjostheim
Dec 14, 2022

Hi Kim - thanks for sharing your experience with anxiety. It's very relatable. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling more like yourself, and I'm extra happy that you're blogging again as I'm a dedicated reader. Happy holidays to you and Mark.


Heidi Hetherington
Heidi Hetherington
Dec 04, 2022

Good to see that you're taking care of yourself. I hope you and Mark are doing well on this great adventure!

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