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I wasn’t really sure I would have a lot to say about Thailand. We didn’t have any tours and were basically left to our own devices. Turns out some of the funniest stories will come from this leg of our trip!

Phuket was shorter than I realized as we only had 2 full days. We decided to save a visit to an elephant sanctuary for another time.  It is actually brilliant to have the 3 “chill” days at the end of the touring. We spent our time lounging at the beach and the pool and it was wonderful!

Of course, we have stories about the “Pool Nazi” and the KING and QUEEN of the pool to share. Honestly! I don’t know if it is because we are “Canadian” and supposedly nice or if it is because we are teachers and have had to model for our students on so many trips. People are simply rude and oblivious!

I feel like we are always checking to make sure of what is happening around us so that we are not inadvertently infringing on other people. Let me tell you there are a lot of people who do not bother with that! By today (flying to Tokyo as we speak) I have pretty much had it with these kinds of people. I said to Mark, “did you see that? I didn’t get out of their way.” And of course, he was so proud of me – LOL!!

Back to the pool…

There was an older woman (older than me) who was basically monitoring all the activity of the pool. And when she needed to go into the pool, she did it slowly… with a pool noodle… and after going down the steps slowly, she would stop for a bit to get the lay of the land. No, she wasn’t crippled or out of shape, she was just entitled!! And of course, while she was descending the staircase, nobody else could get in the pool!! Arghhh…

On the last day as we walked to breakfast, we noticed that every lounge chair was taken (almost). We also noticed that there really wasn’t anyone at the pool. After breakfast when we went to the pool there were a few people there, but many “taken” chairs with nobody to be seen. Okay – if I was going to scoot to breakfast quickly and be back in 30, I would possibly do the same. But – the KING & QUEEN” did not show up for over 2 hours!! And their royal (pain in the ass) friends came strolling in after about 3 hours!! Yeesh! If you know me, you know that I am soooo triggered by how “unfair’ this is. One of the royals moved his chair right next to mine (only ones we could find were right by the pool entrance). Of course, the “Pool Nazi” was already pissed with us because we were blocking her dramatic descent down the pool stairs! Now she was completely aghast. And rather than disturb the royal – she moved my chair. Nope… nope!! When I got out, I moved it right back! Needless to say, we were more than entertained by the soap opera playing out around our pool. And it was beautiful – so there is that.

Fun fact, Phuket was full of Russians! Seriously, most of the people waiting for busses and cars outside the airport when we arrived were from Russia! Our lovely English-speaking guide said that Russians love Phuket and travel there often. Wow. Who knew? At first, I was indignant wondering how they could holiday while the war in the Ukraine was ongoing. But then I realized that Russia is full of hard-working families like every other country and of course they have every right to take a holiday. And because we basically only had Russian propaganda TV in our hotel, I am not even sure what they actually know about the war.

Phuket was beautiful and I could really have used another couple of days there. We enjoyed great views, great weather, great seafood and of course, several cocktails!

Sadly, as I wrote in an earlier blog, my hip was a mess… I am so beyond frustrated! We didn’t get to do the wandering we did on the first part of the trip. Angkor Wat did me in. But I did my best and Mark was so great at helping me figure out how to conserve steps to get the most out of our days.

If I get to 7000 steps without much of a break – that, is it – I cannot walk without crazy pain, and I look and feel like a feeble old lady – I do not like feeling like that. So, we took more taxis and TUKTUKS in Bangkok that we normally would have.

We stayed in a funky area close to Khaosan Road.

It was a fun neighbourhood but not close to any type of transit and when we go back, we will definitely stay somewhere else. Our hotel was super cool – very Moroccan or Indian in feel. It had cement floors and other than the rooms themselves, it was all open air. It was interesting to find out when we arrived on Wednesday that it was "Pest Control Day" on Thursday in all the common areas? Hmmm…

I wasn’t sure how I would feel about Bangkok. My hip was a huge problem, and it was at the end of 18 days of travelling, but I loved it! It is such a cool city. We walked around the area of the Imperial Palace and went in to see the Reclining Buddha at Wat Pho Temple… WOW!!

Breathtaking place!

Yes, we did see a lot of Buddhas (reclining buddha’s whole family) but each temple was exquisitely beautiful and unique in some way.

I wanted to try and buy some clothes in person, instead of online. If you read my earlier Larger Than LL, then you know how challenging it is to buy clothes in Japan. Traditionally, it has not been any easier in Southeast Asia. I researched a mall that I thought might have some possibilities.

O-M-G!! Check out the photos!! As I discussed in a messenger conversation with some friends, I don’t think anyone really means to offend. The store names were too much!! Another friend who has travelled to Southeast Asia before me, noted that at least there were some options now. You definitely need a thick skin to shop at FAT GIRL or PINK PIGGY – baaaa haaaaa!!

Even though I was a gimp, we decided to venture to check out Chinatown, which just happens to be the largest one in the world (outside of China). We took a water taxi to get to Chinatown. It was a great way to see the city!

It is a shame about the garbage in the river...

Our first stop was the GOLDEN BUDDHA at Wat Traimit Withayaram Worawihan (a mouthful) – I believe the largest SOLID GOLD one in the world? It was cool but to be honest, I believe we are over the whole Buddha thing – at least until we visit India.

Chinatown was simply overwhelming! It was hot and massive!! And it smelled like Dollarama!!

I was looking for more of a Thai Market feel – this was not it! But we did have some good street food from this lovely lady!

Of course, when you read up on places you are travelling to, there is always a list of “must do’s”. And one of those is THAI MASSAGE. We were a bit frightened as we had heard stories on various blogs about little Thai women beating the crap out of you! We were sure to ask for oil massage and not traditional massage. We were actually treated to a couples massage which was a nice surprise! Mark was planning on 60 min., and I wanted 90. His gal was a bit older and said from the start, “Hey mister! You big guy! I think you do 90!” So, we both had a 90-minute massage. I was a bit worried about Mark, but his “lady” kept checking on him. “Hey mister! You, okay?”

As for me, it was definitely hard core for the first 30 minutes with my “lady” crawling all over me and giving me the gears! But is settled down a bit. Until she asked me to turn on my back, oiled up here hands and started rubbing my torso AND the girls… vigorously!! Errr... not had a massage quite like it in Canada!! Yes – I AM blushing!!

Because of the location of our hotel, and my damn hip, we spent a lot of time wandering, drinking shopping, and eating on Khaosan Road. We became “regulars” at a couple of bars, supported some of the hard-working peddlers and had delicious food.

Did I mention that WEED is legal in Phuket?? And it looks from the picture above that it is somewhat okay in Bangkok? Not to mention some random guy dropped a couple of bags on our table one night... so much for all those terrifying movies about drug charges in Thailand. Who knew?!

And YES!! Mark DID eat that scorpion!!

But - as for the street food offered in the pictures below? NO!! We gave the tip and took the photos and kept walking!!

Finally, as you will probably read when I summarize this amazing 3-week experience, the bathrooms in Southeast Asia do not hold a candle to the amazing bathrooms in Japan!! It was weird to sit down on a toilet that did not have a heated seat, and sometimes a toilet that didn’t actually have a seat. And once in a while, a toilet that had tissue outside that you had to remember to ask for. Mark did the recon for me in most places, so I knew what to expect.

BUT – NOTHING prepared me for my “toilet” temple with the Reclining Buddha. NOTHING. I went to the bathroom, and this was not a case where you could simply “drip dry” if you get the gist… I had run out of tissue and sterile wipes which I had carried all through the trip. I sheepishly waddled out to the main area to ask the attendants for tissue. “No tissue!” Excuse me??? I had a lovely towel that I had received as a gift, and I am sad to say that I no longer have said towel. YUK!!! I am SO excited to hit up those Japanese toilets soon!!

BANGKOK did not disappoint – we will be back!!

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