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  • shoediva9


I’m halfway home…! Even though I no longer have a permanent one anywhere. But I know I am halfway finished living in Japan. It has been 18 months since I got on that plane and flew across the world by myself… away from my career of 30+ years, away from friends, from Canada and from my family. Phew!! The range of emotions that I am feeling in this moment is indescribable!

And as I write this (my halfway mark was the 21st) I am preparing to get on a plane tomorrow and head to Canada!! When I get back at the end of November it will be four weeks until Mark and I set off to Tokyo, the Philippines and Hong Kong! Ahhh… yes! Now I remember why I was brave enough to do this!!

Don’t get me wrong - I was really excited to move to Kamikawa. I have so many amazing memories of the hospitality and the people. Many of those people do not live here now. And Japanese life is so different from my life in Canada. Japan is a fabulous, gorgeous country to visit but it is a challenge to live here. Especially at the age of 58 (now) and with an utter lack of experience with the language.

But here I am. And I am okay! Those who know me well will not be surprised to hear that Mark has had to talk me down more than once! Baa Haa!! There have been many misunderstandings and things lost in translation! And deciding to go off my anxiety medication after leaving my 30+ year career feeling discarded, selling my house, leaving my children and my country, may have been a mistake!!!!

So 18 months later - here is a snapshot of my experience!


When I see those blessed suitcases (having just been delivered to my house) I feel a whole range of emotions! I remember crying in the Tokyo airport while I tried to figure out where to go for my Covid Test, waiting to hear my number (in Japanese) called so I could go to my hotel. And of course dragging those 3 suitcases (along with one smaller one) through the airport so I could ship them to Kamikawa!!

SIDE NOTE - For $75 I had them delivered to my door 3 days later - fabulous!


Toward the end of my second month I may have been feeling a groove of sorts? I did enjoy doing the Canada Day activities - all of them! I was at the high school every day - back then it was okay but the writing was on the wall for sure! I had seen the Koshino’s more than once (Japanese adopted family), been to kindergarten, done some karaoke, seen the Sea of Japan (WOW) and most importantly - I had met NICKY (extra photo here).

Not a chance I would be here had it not been for our mutual friend, Charles! I am grateful every day.


I have written about my many mishaps BM (Before Mark)!! Missing mirrors, drained batteries, money for parking - eek! My tummy hurts thinking about them! But Kelly Clarkson is a genius!! What doesn’t kill you does make you stronger. By this time I am starting to suffer a bit… Each day at around 4pm I would get a queasy feeling knowing that everyone I love on the other side of the world is sleeping… it’s like being homesick… I don’t miss it. YAY Mark!!


I could have chosen many pics for Month #4 - AF - After Mark!! But it was a wonderful day with the Koshino’s that I remember fondly… by now - I get it. It is not like Canada and although I have run into many people who I remember from past visits to Kamikawa - I am here during the “every day” - it is not a special event. So there are no parties or get togethers and here in Japan there are not a lot of house parties and dinners. So reliving the great times we had with the Koshinos was a treat for sure!



Lake Toya was beautiful but I am feeling the anxiety by now and the side effects of not being on anxiety meds. Yeesh. When I see this pic I am taken back to a place that I am not going again. Little pink pill (white in Japan) is doing its job nicely!


More angsty feelings here for sure. But the beauty of autumn in Japan cannot be denied.

SIDE BAR: Who will visit in October 2024???

As I said to my sister via text today, the snow comes when it is supposed to here, so autumn is exquisite!! Also lots of fun times during this month! I really, really enjoy my community events and I do like my job. Would I rather be retired? Sure - but…. Hong Kong, anyone?


Right!!! This is why I’m here! This trip was wonderful! Osaka, Hiroshima and Kyoto!! Our first big trip together on this crazy adventure!! Anyone remember the video of the beer mug that fills itself? Good times… and - right - I did vomit in my mask at Harry Potter World on a ride!!


Now we are starting to roll!! Only a month and a half or so back in Kamikawa before we were off again!! I definitely could have chosen a picture of Christmas - it was hard to be on our own and also to know that our boys were not together… and the snow!!! It showed up with a vengeance on December 1!! But off to Okinawa and to Ishigaki Island we went!! Lovely weather and great food!! And also snake sake (gross). Some of you know that I have been missing band. I hate the way my time at Pioneer ended - I really, really do - the healing is slow… In Okinawa we were having a midday beer at this little joint up a few blocks from the ocean, and I met this lovely women. I have written about her previously but I will say it again. How cool is it that I met a tuba player who attended the Whistler Festival when she was in high school!! Still missing band :0(


Did I mention there is a lot of snow in Hokkaido!!!!!!!!


Which is why we went somewhere warm for 3 weeks in February!!! This picture at Angkor Wat represents so much for me. First - it’s Angkor Wat!!! We saw so much on this trip - Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. We learned so much. Visiting Cambodia was an emotional experience for me. I learned much I didn’t know about Vietnam - sure. But Cambodia… the poverty and the history really struck me. This is also the day that my hip gave out and my body started to fail me, something I am dealing with everyday. Chronic pain is a bitch!


High School graduation!! These two 3rd Graders were my favourites!! They made me feel welcome and participated in my activities. By now I am painfully aware of how things go at KHS. This is a school where the most important issue is bums in seats - so bums need to be in seats, regardless of attention, cell phones, manners, etc. Not easy to swallow when you have been a hard ass teacher in Canada for 30+ years… It was especially difficult during the time I wasn’t on my anxiety meds. Gradually, I have adjusted. You know me - I tried Candy Grams and Game Club and on and on! Now I am super happy when there are a few kids listening or when I actually engage most of the class!! (it has happened twice). I am learning to let it go and deal with the fact that English isn’t the fav pastime for teenagers!! Ha! Who knew!!!

1 YEAR!!!!

Hmmm… this picture was taken on the “First Day of School'' - sometime during the first week of April… I had just learned about the death of an amazing woman and friend, Linda Zuber in the weeks previous to this photo… what a tragedy… and I learned more than once (I lost my Aunt Linda to brain cancer) that it is ridiculously difficult to be so far away when these things happen. I have a beautiful pic of my aunt up in our apartment and I reread my last texts to Linda Z more than once… but still - One whole year living in Japan!!


CANADA!!!!!!! An unplanned visit!! The arthritis in my hip is considered Stage 3 of 4 in Japan so off to Canada I went! Even though I had my x-rays from Japan, I needed imaging in Canada! Sadly - I am considered MILD in Canada (health care is messed up, people)!! But I needed the trip nonetheless.. My amazing mum has been on a journey of her own… one of the reasons I quit taking Japanese lessons prior to moving was that she suffered a stroke a few months before I moved. She FINALLY was moved up the list and sent to a decent care centre. Here is the shout out to my sister for taking such amazing care of our mother!! This was finally an opportunity to help her out and alleviate some of the stress - I like to think I helped a bit that week. And - I saw so many friends and spent a few amazing days in Montreal with Brayden and Carter!!


It is a puzzle to me that I have so much control and success over so many areas of my life but not my health. I spent my youth thinking I was huge when I was most certainly not!!! And then I lost my dad in my 20’s and have yoyo dieted since then. I have become much healthier in Japan and I am moving my body which I am very proud of and did not do in Canada. But my pain prevents as much exercise as I would like and winter in Japan was hard - so the struggle continues. But I LOVE this picture! Mark and I love to go to the neighbouring city, Asahikawa, for weekend getaways!! This picture reminds me how lucky I am to have him here with me - planning trips (you have NO idea how difficult it is here), starting my car in the mornings, turning on the heat in our apartment before I get up in the morning, making coffee and meals, grocery shopping, cooking and supporting me in general…


There is so much I love about this picture! Obviously - YAY!! Visitors from Canada! We loved hosting Kathy and Al in Japan! This picture was taken at the Pacific Music Festival in Sapporo. This is a festival that Brayden auditioned for a few years back. Live music, fabulous orchestra AND a second half that featured musicians from Vienna and Berlin!! WOW!

And - FYI - we will see them again in July, 2024! The junior high student exchange is back on and they will bring the students to Japan! And - Chrissy and Fred Heap will be here in early May and Collette and Joel from Manitoba will be here in mid May - YAYYYYY!!!

MONTH # 16

I love this photo so much! I am still so frustrated that I am not as involved with junior high students as I thought I would be but…. Kinders are my fav!!! I really enjoy my job in August, during summer vacation. I ran a program for this age group and I got to teach at two Elementary English camps - so fun!!


I love travelling by train in Japan! It - Is - The - Best!! The Green Car is more expensive but worth it! During this month we finally travelled to Hakodate at the south of Hokkaido - beautiful and a fabulous weekend away after many activities!!


October was ridiculous… I hosted Canadian Thanksgiving for 22 people, organised a Haunted House, and so much more - I worked 25 extra hours in October alone!! Did I mention that I can use these hours for travel? As frustrated as I can get living and working here, every once in a while I think I am making a difference. I have a few adult English students who I love. Mariko, in this picture, is one of them! And of course she is the mother of my adopted granddaughter, Aoba! Because of her, and Nicky and others it’s okay. We are okay. I am okay.

ALSO - a shout out to Miku, Hiro, Kento, Nanasa, Morinaga, Kashida and MORE!!

Although I am “halfway home” I am not exactly sure what that means - only time will tell… thanks for taking the time to read this one!!

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Michelle Hastings
Michelle Hastings
Oct 24, 2023

Loved this! can’t wait to see you sis💕3 more sleeps….yay

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