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Happy Belated Canada Day!!


This past couple of weeks have been super busy preparing to share CANADA with many different groups here in Kamikawa! This was made easier for me thanks to a donation from the Rocky Kamikawa Friendship Society. The Canadian government no longer gives out freebies for activities outside the country so I have been funding my own Canadian swag over the past year! With the student exchange looking like it actually might be reinstated, I really want to promote Canada and RMH to all ages!

I think being away from home has made me appreciate and miss Canada more than ever! Don’t get me wrong - I am grateful for the opportunity to be in Japan, but Canada is the best! When I was doing an English lesson with a junior high student we were discussing favourites. And I realised that without a doubt, Canada is my favourite country, more now than ever!

Canada Day! Yay! With the help of RKFS funding, and the cooking skills of the senior high school students, I prepared 80 mini poutines for staff and students, complete with mini Canada flags on the toothpicks they used to eat them! Whew!

My monthly Canadian Cooking Class featured Canadian swag and door prizes (even some Crown Royal Whisky) and we prepared Canadian Maple Chili as our main dish! And well - ya - it wasn’t my best work! Up until this point I had done a fabulous job with MY cooking class…

But it was not to be this time around. It started when more people signed up last minute. We are usually pretty firm with deadlines but… not this time! So I had to redo the handouts and the measurements to reflect more food needed for each group. Factor in the cups and tablespoons to mls and adding by half, etc and you get the disaster that ensued! Although I actually didn’t even figure it out until the next day!

Problem number one… as I am promising all these 20 somethings a sweet but spicy chili, I end up shorting them on the spice by 50%! Then I measured out a tbsp of salt instead of a teaspoon for the biscuits! Oh - and I only provided each group with half the needed flour to make said biscuits!! Of course everyone was super polite - we will see if any of them show up again!!

On July 1st I ran a special activity; Canada Day for Kids! We prepared Hawaiian Pizza, made paper bag beavers and played lots of games! And I am happy to say that the cooking part went off without a hitch! Lots of fun for everyone!

3 classes in 24 hours was a lot! So on July 1 we invited our friend Nicky over and had (in her words) our own Canada Day Shindig! The next one we have will be when our FIRST Canadian visitors arrive!!! YAY Kathy & Al!!

5 MORE SLEEPS!! Who will be next?!

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