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I am into my second week of participating in the high school English classes. There are many similar things but also many things that are different.

For example, at the beginning of the class all students rise to greet their teachers with a bow. I know you, who are in RMH and know high school in Alberta, are trying to picture this in your head right now, as I am!! This is not to say that there is no disrespectful behaviour at times, as one would expect. Every once in a while, a student might speak when the teacher is speaking (shock and awe)... or laugh loudly at an inappropriate time. But honestly? For the most part, students are very respectful during class time.

What you will often see in a Japanese high school class is sleepy students, or students who are asleep. I’ve asked different people with experience and the consensus is simply - they are tired. Either busy with part time jobs or clubs or tutoring or a combination of all of these things. Their teachers seem to recognize this.

Last week the “third graders” (translation - Grade 12 students), had group photos done outside. The cherry blossoms are just starting to bloom in Kamikawa. So about the “third grader” title… In high school, freshmen (grade 10) are considered first graders, grade 11 students are second graders and students who will soon graduate are referred to as “third graders”.

As I am studying Japanese with my friend, Nicky, I am learning about Japanese grammar. I find now, when I am in class, I am recognizing some basic grammar and vocabulary. I have a long way to go but I have much respect for the students learning English. When I am asked to pronounce a word and the students repeat back, I think about our crazy words that don’t make any sense - like the word “island”. Really? If I did not know English I would want to say is - land…

I also find it a challenge to not be able to take the lead on some things - I am “learning my place”. Like in grade 9 and 12 in Alberta, these teachers must produce the grammar and do not have a lot of leeway to deviate from the plan and do the airy fairy things that are rolling around in my head - lol!!

I am working hard to learn the students' names. This would be a breeze for me in Canada as I learned 130ish new names every September. As you can imagine, Japanese names are a little trickier! There are 55 students in the high school, 25 in First Grade and 15 in 2nd and 3rd Grade.

I really enjoy the third graders! On the morning that I discovered my coffee maker was broken, I ran into some of them at Seiko Mart. They helped teach me how to order coffee! Lots of fun and pretty decent English. I have met 4 students who have travelled to RMH in junior high. I must remember that most of the students are coming from other communities to high school. This is something I am not yet used to.

My FAVOURITE to date is Kindergarten! This is for a couple of reasons. Number one is easy - they are Kawai (Japanese word for cute)! The second reason is that I get to plan my own lesson!! YAY! So now I am busy making props for things like “5 Little Monkeys”, Colour Wheels, and Goodnight Moon!! I only get to go once a week on Thursday mornings, but I am so happy!!

I am still not welcome at the junior high which makes me sad. I am hopeful that once I connect with the principal (she used to teach at Will Sinclair), I will establish a connection. Fingers crossed.

Enjoy the photos! Back to class!!

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