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It Has Been 18 Days Since My Last Entry...

It’s been 18 days since my last blog entry…. It feels like an eternity…

I had two solid (14 days) of really good days - some great days, actually. Much has to do with mindset. Two friends on separate weeks helped me reframe my situation. It doesn’t make the cultural and language divide any easier to manage but it does help change the way I see things.

Then I had 2 bad days... and now I am okay!

I am so lucky. Because of the energy that I have put into things in my life, I have this amazing opportunity - we have this amazing opportunity.

I did not end what was (for the most part) ,an amazing career teaching music/band, the way I wanted to. However - over most of those years, I worked with and FOR fabulous people - and for all of the 33 years, I encountered amazing kids and families. I had SO much fun teaching middle school band. It was FABULOUS!!! I know what I did and those that matter most to me know the contributions I made. It was the best!!

So, onward and upward. It sure feels like I have said this here before - and I might say it again? I am still an idealist with SO MANY frustrations and things I wish I could fix - but - I can’t. And the miles help. A lot.

Back to KIMinKamikawa, which is where I am (LOL)!!

Mishaps…. Could not for the life of me, figure out how to buy bleach - not even with wifi and Google (of course Nicky helped me). I complimented a high school teacher who seems fabulous (but is kind of stand offish) on his hair - he laughed at me :0( Then I realized that his hair was exactly the same but he wasn’t wearing a mask - ugh. They are still happening (the mishaps) but less frequently it seems. And there is the fact that I still have no idea how to work my toaster oven - or my washing machine for that matter - at least so far my clothes seem to be coming clean.

COFFEE TALK has begun. So nervous the first time… it went okay - 11 in attendance and I have to say - my Japanese was so much better. The reality is that when I have lots to do I am just getting the translations from Nicky - but lately - slowly but surely - I am really starting to actually understand what I am saying!! AND for those of you who know me - HAH - that is saying something. There is also the fact that I must speak so much slower than I am used to.

I love kindergarten - which to you Canadians - is preschool - I love it!!

There is summer vacation coming up, (no school for 3 weeks) so I am doing English with little dudes and also Elementary Students (because of course kids still learn on vacation) and I am a contributor for the Infinity School (private alternative school) for their online junior summer camp. I also get to do one day of conversational English with the high schoolers! YAY! And there is COFFEE TALK - it continues twice a month. My second one this week was so great - I had so much fun - elementary aged participants right up to seniors! I hope people are starting to hear about it and that I will get even more people. We are also starting English Game Night at the fav hot dog restaurant that I am sure I have mentioned.

Yesterday - I got to go to a seniors activity centre and do exercises and participate in a concert where the Japanese harp was being played and seniors joined in with singing. One of the junior high boys from Infinity School came as my translator. We both got to try the KOTO. Here is a laugh - nobody told them I was a music teacher so when I was like AMAZING they all gasped like I was some prodigy - lol! I asked one of my coworkers to please explain! It was so fun! I am going back next week to practice with the group - YAY!

I’ll try to wrap things up soon… but MARK (fingers crossed) should be joining me by the end of July (fingers crossed). I know everything will be easier when he arrives…

AND - the Japanese humidity I remember from previous visits has arrived - and so has my fan from Amazon!!

Thanks for reading!

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