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MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM JAPAN メリークリスマス (Merikurisumasu)

You Canadian types are just finishing up Boxing Day! So Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!! Most people in Japan have never heard of Boxing Day and I never realised, until doing some of my own research, that there is no Boxing Day in the USA - it is a UK thing!

No sales here - but - apparently the big sales in Japan happen after celebrating the New Year! I learned some funny translations about celebrating Japanese New Year - there is something that translates to throwing away the year! Makes sense to me - LOL!

Many of my events about Canadian Christmas had to be postponed or cancelled because of alllll the snowww!! So much snow! But I managed to do some activities with high school kids and some kindergarteners, so all was not lost! Christmas Cooking will have to wait a year…

We managed to have our family's Christmas Eve tradition here in Japan. Mark got a fondue pot for Christmas and we opened it early to do our Japanese version of a fondue. It was heartwarming for us that our boys took the time to do one together before heading there separate ways for Christmas. That is a FIRST for our family - none of us were together on Christmas.

We filled our stockings and had a few presents for each other. We texted and called family and friends in Canada (Christmas Eve there)... And instead of my Breakfast Casserole (no ingredients in Japan), Mark’s lasagna (was a new tradition for our family for Christmas Day), we hit the grocery store (on Christmas Day - so weird) and made spaghetti with caesar salad and garlic toast.

Of course there was so much snow that all the trains had been cancelled for 3 days. When we woke up on Boxing Day - now having to drive to the airport and NOT take a train, we saw a snow plough cruising down the train track ploughing away all the snow from the past days! Crazy!

It wasn’t as hard as I expected? Maybe because it was so different.

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