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Okay - I cannot possibly wait to write this… those of you following are aware that I have had a few frustrations with right hand drive in Japan and that I am getting used to things


Today I am feeling pretty good - cruising at a max speed of 40 km, heading home after school during a lovely sunny afternoon. I get lost of course but it’s easy to correct my route. I am one minute from my house when I hear a MASSIVE bang! I pull over and look to the left - you know - the side of the car that I should be driving on. So ya - my mirror is gone - just the mirror part. So - I proceed to walk up and down the road to see where the mirror is. All I can think about is that I REALLY want to drive to Asahikawa on Saturday (my birthday) and get a Starbucks and a few things… NO MIRROR. I mumble a lot in English - one lady does come to the edge of her yard to see who is making noise... I give up. I drive home. I email Nicky. I crack open a beer.

Of course Nicky comes to my rescue. She knows a guy. And the very nice guy drives to my house and tells me a new mirror is expensive but he can get me a used one - YAY!!! He asks for my keys - he opens the left side of my car. Shines a flashlight into my front seat - and he pulls out the missing mirror. OMG!!!! Seriously!??? But also YAYYYYY!!! He put it back on - checked to make sure it could still be adjusted and voila!!!! He charged my 30 Canadian dollars for the house call and was on his way.

Did I say how much I love Nicky?

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