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Updated: Apr 10, 2023

I have known and worked with some amazing women over the many years that I lived in Rocky Mountain House. At the end of March, I lost one of those amazing women. Being across the world when it happens is a horrible and helpless feeling. I thought a great deal about this type of situation before leaving Canada, and was sure I had prepared for the possibility. Sadly, you can’t prepare for how something like that will feel. I was gutted.

I really figured out who Linda was at a local lounge on June 30th, 1996. I had returned to teaching in the fall of ‘95 (too soon) after having my first son. It was a challenging year and I was so glad to see the end of it! Linda popped by my table, I was sitting with colleagues from the middle school and she was a high school teacher who taught with my husband.

From the second she sat down, I knew I would love her… she was witty, sarcastic, charming, animated… I laughed a lot - and I really needed to.

As is often the case when you have young kiddos (Sam, her youngest is two years older than Brayden), Mark and I didn’t go out a lot together, always making sure a parent was at home (so responsible)...LOL! So Mark would go to the high school staff events and I would attend the middle school parties. He often spoke of the Zubers fondly during that time, and once or twice, they got into some mischief!

I had the pleasure of teaching her amazing boys middle school band, and in them, I saw the best of her. The humour, the integrity, the charm, and of course, the intelligence. They were both lovely, and Linda became a band mom! Instead of bake sales though, she would proofread my newsletters and handouts! She often left hilarious comments when she signed the required paperwork! …and advice…that I hadn’t asked for! Still - the comments always made me laugh!

Next was China in 2008. Terry had regularly accompanied Mark on high school band trips, he was definitely one of my husband’s people. And I knew he was fond of both Linda and Terry.

Linda came to China with the grade 9 section of my junior band. I loved every second of being on that charter bus with her. I was inspired by her knowledge and passion for social studies and again, her humour never failed. I had so much fun on that (very stressful) band trip and looking back, a lot of it was because of her.

Fast forward a few years and our kids are older and Brayden is fortunate enough to have Linda for Social 20! He was thrilled, and so were we. He learned so much from her, she helped him form his ideals about the world and we are so grateful for her influence.

I can’t remember how it happened, but she invited me to join the WCHS Book Club. It was here that I learned about her love for reading and how incredibly well read she was.

Somewhere around 2013 (?) I started accompanying Mark on Friday drinks with the Zubers. Man, these short stints in a local lounge followed by a few(?) hours in the Zuber kitchen or on the deck were the most fun! I looked forward to every one of them! Over our sporadic times with them we got to know their boys better (and their girls) and become “couple” friends!

In the few years before Covid hit, Linda came along with a group of us to Theatre Calgary. I was thrilled to have her around outside of the “couple” outings. Everyone instantly loved her and through these trips I got to know Andra better, too. When Covid hit, we did a virtual Happy Hour for a few months and as you can imagine, Linda was the life of the party!

My favourite memories of Linda and her family are from the many Christmas Eve’s we spent together with our “Annual Christmas Eve Fondue". Like almost everything else I have experienced with Linda, I cannot remember how this came to be. But I am forever grateful for these times with her and her family.

Although I didn’t spend a huge amount of time with the Zuber’s, it definitely increased in recent years and I consider them great friends. Linda always took a genuine interest in our boys and their lives, she was always available with comic relief and wise words during trying times.

She was a fighter and I really admired that in her. She inspired me. I wanted to be just like her. She was a brilliant teacher, a fabulously witty and loving friend, an amazing mother and a wonderful wife to Terry.

How lucky was I to have been in her life… on band trips, dinners in Vegas, bump ins on Whyte Avenue, Zachary’s wedding and all the times in between…

I found out about Linda’s relapse from her on a random text one night while she was still in Foothills Hospital in December. She was so damned determined, I did not think anything other that she would beat cancer! We touched base again in January, and then at the end of February I texted her about her hip surgery and she did not sound well at all. I reached out to Dorraine and I was so grateful for her. I did not want to bother Terry but I was incredibly anxious about Linda’s condition and the helplessness I felt being so far away.

Linda and I texted a couple of more times. At one point she said that if Mark and I stayed in Japan for three years, she would be here to visit. She believed it when she said it and I really wanted to.

The world has lost a warrior. I am grateful to have known her, and to have laughed with her. I am grateful for the friendship and support her and Terry gave Mark all through the years they taught together.

I am grateful that so many young minds in Rocky were influenced by hers, including Brayden’s. I am grateful she was surrounded by love when the horrible disease won out.

Much love, Linda!

PS. I will never put a lime in a G&T again! And every time I put that lemon in the glass I will think of you, my friend.

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