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So here I am - in Asahikawa - ready for a weekend of BAND GEEK time listening to bands at the Civic Concert Hall - YAY! I even left work early because of my banked hours… traffic was kind of gross…

But - As I approach the Aeon Mall (across from my hotel) and am set to park my car, once again - there goes my mirror!!!!! You need to understand how challenging it is for me to “hug” centre… I was in a car accident in my 20’s - NO - it was not my fault and have been haunted by it - that is why I am a shoulder “hugger”! But - the shoulder is over there now - LOL!! So of course some woman was parked randomly with hazards on “over there” and of course I clipped her with my mirror!! NO there was no damage and NO I didn’t have to search all over for the mirror!! Having said that - it wouldn’t just - slide into place so I put it on my front seat and parked my car for my exciting weekend!!

After a leisurely morning at Starbucks and some great shopping - YAY - I headed to my car so I could be at the concert hall in time for Kamikawa. Did I say that I had put my hazards on when I went to retrieve my mirror?? No??? Well I did. And of course I didn’t turn them off!!! And so my car is dead.

I took a taxi to the performance where I met up with Erika (a parent) and of course she drove me back to my car after the performance and waited with me for the boost. I am SOOOOO LUCKKKY!! The bad news is that because I didn’t have roadside assistance and everyone does in Japan it cost me $135 CDN!!

Therefore - I am even MORE excited to tell you (those of you who don’t already know because of social media) that MARK WILL BE HERE IN 10 DAYS!!!!!! YAYYYYY!!!

He will arrive in Kamikawa with me on July 21st. Finally…

The rest of the last few days have been pretty good… Canada Day was a huge success - so much fun with new friends and old friends too!!

My last Coffee Talk wasn’t well attended but it will soon move to 6:30 which is a much more manageable time for most people. Summer vacation will start soon and I have lots of cool projects to work on that are new and different - so exciting!!

Also - I think I mentioned that I learned to play the Japanese harp (Koto)? I was able to attend a rehearsal again this past week - so great to play music!!

And ALMOST as exciting as Mark arriving is… My INTERNET was installed this week! Waaa Hooo!!

10 more days people!!


PS I also left my phone in a 7 Eleven which was rescued and brought to me by a lovely family… YES - I am lucky!!

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