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Updated: Jun 5, 2024

So here we are… back in Japan!

So after 34 days, 11 flights, all three countries in North America (if you count our miserable stop over in Dallas), 7 Canadian destinations, 1 wedding (beautiful), 1 all inclusive resort in Mexico, about 6 Ubers, numerous “steps”, and of course more love and visits with amazing family and friends than we can measure - here we are again! Ready for the second half of this adventure. I think…

Oh - I lost those beautiful Airpods that my husband flew to Vietnam to pick up for me - you know those ones? Yup - for real this time!! Mark says - “My dear, you are expensive - good thing you are worth it!” Aweeeee - LOL!!

We have been back in Japan - where we don’t know what any of our appliances say so we just memorize which buttons to press (coffee maker, washing machine, etc.) - for 2 weeks now…

During the first week back I was puzzled about where a couple of gifts I had for friends had gotten to… each day I checked another place. When the weather became milt I looked for my puffer vest - no luck. Hmmmm…

Then I realized that I could find one of our carryon bags - we looked everywhere - Mark tore apart the storage in the bedroom. Then I thought - did it make it home?

So once again… Nicky to the rescue! I am so grateful that we flew to Asahikawa (small airport) and not Sapporo. Of course she called the airport for us and of course they had our bag! Now before you go assuming it was me (I get that the evidence is overwhelming), there is a possibility it was left in the parking lot and Mark forgot to load it in our car (a small possibility). Of course there is also the possibility that I left it in the airport, not unlike my phone at the Edmonton airport and my wallet at a restaurant… oh my…

Off to Asahikawa we will go tomorrow for a night away (Mark found a deal) and we will pick up the bag!! We also hope to see the new WONKA movie - YAY! A movie in subtitles (a rarity).

So - the good thing about winter in Hokkaido is that there is lots of light fluffy snow and it’s always around -8 (ish). Well - not so far this year!!! It is blowing like a Chinook, the temps are mild and as a result it is slippery as hell!! UGH. Last night it was sooooo weird - we felt like we were listening to the wind in Rocky - except we are in Japan - kind of an unsettling feeling! Maybe I will end up breaking a hip instead of having to wait 5 years to have it replaced? Yes - no luck in Canada getting on a list again. So - I am exploring Japan (I’ll keep you posted).

And yes - we are back. For two more weeks. And then we are going again. This time it will be 5 flights and 4 days in Tokyo, 8 days in the Philippines, and 4 days in Hong Kong!!

For now - it’s Christmas, Christmas, Christmas!!

And we are hanging out in a place…

…where our language is very limited and is not going to become “really good” or even “pretty good” before we finish here.

…where there are no blocks of cheddar cheese and no bacon! We already miss bacon!!

…where we live 38 kms from a city of over 300,000 people but it takes an hour to get there!! LOL!

…where it took us 6 months and numerous misunderstandings to get a Japanese license - 3 trips to Asahikawa - could there not be a list online so all foreigners know what to expect so they are prepared the first time? ARGHHHHHHHH! This one is still hard to swallow!

But also…

…Back where you don’t have to wait 18 months for a CT Scan because there is one - DOWN THE HALL - in Kamikawa!! True story!

… Back where it is mandatory for people on medication to have their blood work done every 3 months and to see the doctor before your prescription is renewed.

…Back where it costs the same at 7 Eleven for a bottle of water as it does in a vending machine and both are half the price of the same bottle in Canada!

And finally…

…Back to the place where toilets are a comfortable height, seats are heated and “washlets” provide water, music and deodorize!! Love it!!

So here we are again! Grateful for the opportunities and the adventure that await us but after a month at “home” also very grateful to be Canadian!

We have many travels planned over the next year and many Canadian visitors on their way! YAY!

Who will be next?

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1 Comment

Michelle Hastings
Michelle Hastings
Dec 08, 2023

I‘ll admit..I’m still depressed that you’re gone again. It was THE best reconnection for our 2 families, ever! I’m so so grateful for that week we were ALL together! love & miss you both so very much😘

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